Information that is collected from visitors:
Like many other websites, our web server stores log files that include the visitor’s IP address, browser type, referring page, and time of visit. Cookies may also be used to remember visitor preferences while interacting with the website.
How the information is used:
We DO NOT sell, rent, or lease email addresses to third parties. We may use email to inform you of news about our services or offers from us or our affiliates.
Visitor options:
If you have subscribed to one of our services, you may unsubscribe by following the instructions in the email that you receive. You may also be able to block cookies through your browser settings, but this may prevent you from accessing certain features of the website.
Cookies are small digital signature files that are stored by your web browser and allow your preferences to be recorded when visiting the website. They may also be used to track your return visits to the website.
Credit card information:
We do not store or view your credit card information on our website's servers. Your credit card information is processed through a secure connection with Shopify, and the use of Shopify is subject to their terms and conditions.
Like many other websites, our web server stores log files that include the visitor’s IP address, browser type, referring page, and time of visit. Cookies may also be used to remember visitor preferences while interacting with the website.
How the information is used:
We DO NOT sell, rent, or lease email addresses to third parties. We may use email to inform you of news about our services or offers from us or our affiliates.
Visitor options:
If you have subscribed to one of our services, you may unsubscribe by following the instructions in the email that you receive. You may also be able to block cookies through your browser settings, but this may prevent you from accessing certain features of the website.
Cookies are small digital signature files that are stored by your web browser and allow your preferences to be recorded when visiting the website. They may also be used to track your return visits to the website.
Credit card information:
We do not store or view your credit card information on our website's servers. Your credit card information is processed through a secure connection with Shopify, and the use of Shopify is subject to their terms and conditions.